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What Is Mobile Attribution? 101 for Advertisers

First-touch attribution would give full credit to the YouTube pre-roll ad. Collecting data, aggregating reports, and effectively measuring your campaigns is difficult when dealing with a wide range of marketing channels. Marketers need a safe and secure place to store all that data, but also a structure to effectively organize large attribution data sets. Attribution not only highlights which elements of a campaign are most (or least) effective, but also provides insights into user segments based on their interaction history and behaviors.

Likewise, the longer the time-lapse, the lower the percentage that’s attributed to the conversion. You can follow the official Android and Apple documentation to learn how to add deep links into your app to begin reaping the benefits of mobile attribution. If you’re looking to implement a mobile attribution funnel, Mighty Digital is here to help. Because of the limited options in the dialog and the specific
wording being used, users normally don’t perceive any direct
benefit from allowing tracking. Developers can prompt the dialog
only once, effectively giving just one chance to get the user’s
permission for tracking. Building such funnels frequently requires cross-team collaboration
between marketers, app developers, and data analysts.

Choosing an attribution model

This means that users could be mistaken as organic, causing ad inventory providers to lose out on money. Setting an attribution window makes it possible to include users who, while not really installing the app directly after seeing the ad, are technically brought in through it. For B2C mobile marketing, last-touch attribution is generally the most popular attribution method because you’re paying for the last touchpoint right before an install. U-shaped attribution allows credits to diverge between different touchpoints. For instance, the first and last touch is credited at 40%, while the remaining 20% rate is split evenly among the middle points.

  • Today a state-of-the-art mobile DSP can provide comprehensive options to target the most relevant audience precisely.
  • Attribution is how mobile marketers know exactly what led users to their app or game, and how they interact with their brand.
  • These dashboards provide a visual representation of your data, making it easy to monitor and analyze your performance activities over time.
  • This involves collecting information about a user’s device, such as their browser type and version, screen resolution, and operating system.
  • Importantly, you may want to work with mobile attribution providers or networks that support all the attribution models.

With Singular’s open integration framework, we offer 100% network coverage and thousands of attribution integrations. Deep links, as the name suggests, link to deeper features within an app versus the welcome screen. This saves users time and allows them to get to where they want to be faster.


While Apple attribution issues continue, Google is attempting to take similar action with its Android operating system and Chrome browser. However, Google has approached the issue of privacy changes in a way that is much less disruptive to the marketing industry. For this reason, temporary attribution can be useful for measuring the success of engagement and retargeting campaigns. Temporary attribution is a time-sensitive model used to give UA managers flexibility with how their data is presented. Attribution affects the entire mobile ad ecosystem, from determining how much ad space costs to how well a campaign has performed – another reason attribution is a fundamental component of mobile marketing. These dashboards provide a visual representation of your data, making it easy to monitor and analyze your performance activities over time.

what is mobile attribution

Adjust clients can track their marketing channels and aggregate conversion data for in-depth analysis – whether that’s via click or impression. You’ll always know which ads delivered which users, along with useful contextual information such as which campaign creatives those users saw. Effective mobile attribution combines the same models available for other digital marketing platforms, including single-touch, multi-touch, algorithmic and media attribution.

What is Mobile App Attribution?

A mobile attribution platform is a tool that helps app developers track and analyze the performance of their marketing campaigns. When pairing touchpoints with conversions as described above, you need to decide how much credit to give to each touchpoint in the conversion path. By assigning values to users’ interactions with ads, marketers can determine which channels and campaigns are the most powerful. For this reason, many app marketers use app attribution tools or Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs) like Airbridge.

However, for a split second, it redirects the user through Trackier, letting us receive the first data point. Having restricted IDs is a common practice, but it can compromise your mobile attribution. Instead, you should create an ad server with unrestricted IDs to improve the accuracy of your attribution system. Similar to the advertising ID, the user-agent string is a line of text that identifies the operating system installed on the device as well as the browser being used. While it may not be a great identifier by itself, the combination of advertising ID, IP address, and user-agent is unique for every single device, so it works as additional verification. This process employs a variety of innovative technologies that range from real-time tracking to cross-network integrations, which means that it needs to be developed properly to produce accurate readings.

What is mobile attribution?

This approach involves a combination of multi-touch models depending on business needs or individual campaign goals. For example, you might use a W-shaped attribution approach to your new mobile game, while using a time-decay model for an app that goes viral. Marketing attribution identifies how much each touchpoint and channel within a customer journey contributes to the conversion. Attribution can assign a weight to each touchpoint, which helps marketers identify which channels are the most effective.

what is mobile attribution

With our integration of both campaign and conversion data, Singular’s mobile attribution solution can also be customized to each businesses’ unique KPIs and connected to existing BI and backend tools. “Fingerprinting,” a probabilistic attribution technology, is banned as well, even if you have explicit permission to track from users via ATT. On iOS, attribution technology now operates via SKAdNetwork, a deterministic framework for mobile app install attribution that is privacy-preserving.

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As mentioned before, the user journey can become opaque once they enter an app store environment. It can be hard to determine who was responsible for a free app install or a paid app purchase. That said, there is a popular methodology for attribution tracking known as device fingerprinting. Linear attribution is a multi-touch attribution method that allows marketers to assign equal value to every interaction a brand has with a user or customer, whether big or small. However, this leaves marketers unable to identify which channels are most successful and least successful, as it doesn’t specify the varying impacts of the different marketing channels. Mobile attribution aims to identify the different marketing actions contributing to conversions.

At lemonads, we’ve worked closely with some of the top mobile attribution technology developers in the affiliate world, so we know the impact that this type of tool has on the entire industry. Mobile OS provides basic tools
for user identification, and these
like AAID on
Android and
iOS are
key to the mobile attribution mobile attribution definition process. To get the most value out of your attribution data, you’ll need to partner with an attribution provider. Working with a mobile app attribution provider like Adjust enables you to make well-informed business decisions in real time. For these reasons, we’ll explain how attribution works through the lens of an Adjust client.

How gaming companies can weather the economic downturn leveraging preload campaigns

It’s not an easy question, which is why there are several marketing attribution models to consider. Platforms like Google Ads often measure success based on which ad creative drives the most conversions, which leads marketers to look at their ad campaigns in a very linear way. But attribution is about understanding the holistic picture, and provides a measured response to how each impression contributes to that eventual conversion. While it may be tempting to double down on ad creatives that convert the best, it’s equally important to understand the impact of the ads that lead up to that point. Apple informed app developers that “fingerprinting,” a probabilistic attribution mechanism, is prohibited unless users give specific authorization. However, the future attribution mechanism on iOS will be powered, at least partially, by SKAdNetwork, a privacy-preserving deterministic architecture for mobile app install attribution.

The roadmap to success on Android

Long-term sales lifecycles have good odds to bring value to marketers by running Time Decay attribution. In the short term, such a business can benefit from single platform attribution options. This web attribution tool diversifies credits among different touchpoints. Now you can easily identify your best-performing campaigns, understand what you did right and build a successful marketing strategy. In this article, we will dive into the basics of how mobile attribution works.

whereas Adjust and Branch offer monthly contracts for their service,
Appsflyer and Kochava are available on an annual basis only. To summarize, by using mobile attribution organizations and developers
collect insights that go well beyond the number of app downloads or installs. This allows marketers to be dynamic when measuring the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, rather than sticking to one, single-touch approach. Machine learning also helps marketers identify effective touchpoints much faster than before, saving time and money in the long run.

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